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HRFC Return to Rugby Plans

HRFC Return to Rugby Plans

Fred Gulliford8 Mar 2021 - 13:12
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HRFC welcomes the announcement by the government and the RFU that grassroots rugby can return from 29th March!

At HRFC we welcome the news from the RFU regarding a schedule for the return to rugby over the coming weeks. The RFU anticipates that full-contact grassroots rugby will have to wait until June at the earliest but they have given the green light for adapted versions of the game to be played from this month.

Below are some key headlines from the RFU's announcement. Please note - there is a lot of information and detail still to be confirmed. Not all questions can be answered at this stage. As soon as full details are known, they will be shared with the rest of the club.

Key Headlines:

  • The RFU Roadmap information here is all we currently have. Detailed guidance is awaited on a number of matters.
  • Schools may have rugby activity as at Stage D1 on the Roadmap from March 8th. This does NOT apply to clubs. There can be no RFU club rugby activity at any age until 29th March.
  • The Mini &Youth season has been extended till 31st May 2021.
  • Out of Season activities will vary. Rugby activity can continue for all ages if desired BUT there can be no contact matches. Contact training will be limited to 20 mins in any session. Touch rugby is OK. Contact rugby means all 15s, 10s and 7s rugby.
  • In season 2021-2022, the shift to the next set of age group rules is delayed until Saturday 1st January 2022. (e.g. u10’s in 2021-2022 will play u9’s rules before Christmas and u10 rules after Christmas).
  • Season 2021-22 – Female Youth Players will play in the age group of their correct age but careful training management will be needed. Additional guidance will be coming out for coaches on this.

RFU Rugby Development Director Steve Grainger discusses the plans at this link

Darren (Chairman,) Ian (Secretary,) Hamish (Treasurer)

Further reading